A big show in Kadoma for ZIP JAPAN last night, with big events transpiring. I'm going to turn things over to our new field correspondent, BobStar, who has written a fantastic review of the event. Take it away, Bob!
BobStar: Thanks, Denizen. I'm just back from Kadoma and what a night it was at the Namihaya Dome! The attendance is really growing at the house shows, ZIP JAPAN is establishing itself as a popular franchise. There were 10,000 fans packed into the stands, eager to see the matches. I blended in with the crowd and I heard they especially looked forward to watching their champion handle Jumbo Jinzei, the man with a stunning winning streak! Now, let's go to the matchups:
-Great HAGE vs Fujita Yakimoto-
The Story: As HAGE's music hit, people were eager to see the purple veteran after his comments at the last show. But they were in for a surprise, out of the smoke emerged a reborn HAGE in a new black and red outfit. He grabbed a microphone in the ring and introduced himeself as Darkness HAGE. When Fujita came out he was as shocked as the public to see the former babyface with such an intimidating look. Justin Starr came out with him and acted as Yakimoto's corner man for the match.
The Match: Darkness HAGE started the match ferociously, throwing strikes at Fujita like an animal with a bloodlust. Yakimoto didn't know what was happening to him as he tried in vain to defend himself from HAGE's lunges. Fujita finally got some offense in, knees and elbows, and managed to lock on a Flying X Heel Hold. Darkness HAGE got out of that with surprising ease, and quickly regained the upper hand, dumping Fujita to the outside. He picked up Fujita from the floor and hit a gruesome Cross Arm Powerbomb. Justin Starr flinched when he saw the former MMA fighter lying on the floor, not moving. The bell sounded and HAGE won the match by countout as Justin was looking after Fujita outside the ring. As HAGE walked to the exit, he suddenly turned around, pointed at Starr and then made a gesture around his waist. It's clear that the man has a mission, the ZIP JAPAN Junior Championship!
Result: Darkness HAGE - Countout at 14.37
Bobstar's thoughts: This really was a nasty match to watch. The new finishing move of HAGE was really sick, but even more mind blowing was his seemingly total change of attitude. The crowd didn't know to boo or to cheer, and the match seemed to go by so fast. Afterwards, Justin Starr signalled the medics to come and help, they came out right away and put Yakimoto on a back board and stretcher. The crowd was in shock and you could hear a pindrop fall. The sound of an ambulance broke the silence, the medics had to take him to the hospital. My thoughts will be with Yakimoto and his family, this seemed to be a serious injury.
-Daisuke Shimura vs Mad Bomber-
The Story: Daisuke made another enemy at the last show in the form of Mad Bomber. Shimura wanted revenge for geting powerbombed on a railing, and King ZIP honored his wishes in granting this match. Could the Bomber end his unexpected losing streak?
The Match: The wrestlers started slow, feeling each other out with some minor strikes. I had to wonder if maybe Shimura's ribs were still bothering him. Mad Bomber made the breakthrough and started to overpower Daisuke, landing a sweet Press Slam. Another spot followed when Mad Bomber set up a Powerbomb but Daisuke managed to reverse it into an amazing overhead Suplex. The flow of momentum shifted towards Daisuke, who finished off the Bomber with a picture perfect Steiner Screw Driver.
The Result: Daisuke Shimura (pin) - Steiner Screw Driver at 12.17
Bobstar's Thoughts: It seemed that Mad Bomber was getting his old game back, the crowd looked in awe when he hit the Slam. I felt the ZIP fans were actually leaning towards Bomber at that moment even though he's a heel. Daisuke changed it however when he excuted his spots, especially the technical precision of his Steiner Screw Driver. It's a really dangerous move, and when he nailed it the fans were roaring. Shimura didn't even have to use his patented Sasori-gatame, he was really on fire in this match.
-TheDenizen/Minoru Hoshino vs Satoshi Iguchi/Tetsuo Kinoshita-
The Story: Nobody can deny the heated rivalry between TheDenzen and Satoshi Iguchi. TheDenizen will surely be looking for some justice after Iguchi knocked him out with the Diamond Cutter the last time they met.
The Match: Minoru Hoshino and Tetsuo Kinoshita started this match and exchanged some quick kicks. Altought they did a fair job, people were eager to see TheDenizen versus Iguchi. The fans erupted at the moment the rivals finally both tagged in at the same time and charged to meet each other in the ring. After a quick exchange of punches, Iguchi got the upper hand and landed a huge Diamond Cutter, but TheDenizen managed to get to the ropes before the 3 count. Denizen then took control and after a few suplexes, he ended the match with a spectacular Reverse Gory SP Bomb on Iguchi in the middle of the ring! The bell sounded and as TheDenizen and Minoru were celebrating, they didn't see Iguchi, who hit a cheap shot to the TheDenizen's groin from behind. Iguchi quickly left the ring with a smile on his face while Denizen was laying face down on the mat in pain.
The Result: TheDenizen/Minoru Hoshino (pin) - Reverse Gory SP Bomb at 20.34
BobStar's Thoughts: Hoshino and Kinoshita wrestled a good match, but the real story was all about what TheDenizen and Iguchi would do to each other. I thought the match was surely over when Iguchi landed that Diamond Cutter, it was a big relief when Denizen made it to the ropes. TheDenizen seized the momentum and ended the match with a beautiful move. I looked away to write some notes for my summary, when the crowd suddenly stopped cheering and started booing. When the guy next to me told me about Iguchi's low blow, I was disgusted. Can anyone give this cheater the beating he deserves?
-Kazuhiro Tanabe vs Taro Yamamoto-
The Story: Yamamoto's team suffered a loss at the last house show, but Yamamoto himself was not pinned. Still, after seeing his rival Shimura get a win earlier, Taro should be worked up for this match. Tanabe is still trying to find his momentum again after his big loss to Gorobei last month.
The Match: Yamamoto took control of the match early with a clubbing clothesline to the chin. Tanabe looked dazed and confused after that move and really struggled to get his bearings back. Taro landed a stunning Stern Perfect and went for the pin, but Kazuhiro kicked out at 2.9. Tanabe got some offense in, countered a move by Yamamoto and hit a DDT. Not that it mattered because Taro made Kazuhiro tap out of a STF in the middle of the ring a few moments later.
The Result: Taro Yamamoto (sub) - STF at 13.28
BobStar's Thoughts: It really surprised me that Taro Yamamoto won this match without using his trademark (read: dirty) moves. He won clean and looked really good out there. I hope he'll lose those cowardly tricks and he'll just rely on his technique in the future, because nobody can deny that he has loads of that.
-NO DQ - White Trash vs Asano Kaneshiro-
The Story: White Trash got his second beating at the last House Show against Riot Gear, and is not fully recovered. Reiko was very emotional after that match and isn't very happy about the stipulation for this one either. The big brute Asano is in good shape after his tag team win last show, and happy to administer a beating as a favor to King ZIP.
The Match: White Trash came out with some bandages on his face and arms. Trash tried to run away when the bell sounded, until he saw that Asano was taunting him from the middle of the ring. Trash got angry and ran back to the ring, replying with some hand gestures of his own, but that proved to be a huge mistake. Kaneshiro grabbed a hold of him and the beating began. Kaneshiro was brutally choking White Trash, but Reiko could not call for a DQ. Her frustration escalated to tears when Asano reopened Trash's recent wounds with his fists. After a moment, Reiko suddenly broke down crying in the ring, and ran up the ramp and to the back, leaving the match in progress! A minute or so later, a curvy redhead in a skimpy ref's outfit, made her way to the ring and started to call the match! After another couple of minutes of punishment, Asano hit his Ganso Bomb for the win.
After the match, the shapely young referee picked up the house mic to address the fans.

Suki ZIP: OK, fans! Like, Hi! My name is Suki ZIP, and I am King ZIP's youngest daughter. My daddy knew something like this was going to happen to Reiko, she's like, totally fragile emotionally. Anyways, she's gone and I am ready to step into her shoes and take over as referee for ZIP JAPAN! My daddy says I can run the matches however I want, so all you big stinky wrestlers better do what I say! And to all you fans, I know I'm cute and all, but no staring at my butt! OK, let's keep this show moving, NEXT MATCH!"
The Result: Asano Kaneshiro (pin) - Ganso Bomb at 8.46
Bobstar's Thoughts: This was really was painful to see, especially the Ganso Bomb that ended the match. Even the crowd seemed to feel that earthshaking impact! I can't really blame Reiko for leaving the arena, she has seen Trash get beaten up pretty bad for weeks now, and she was obviously upset. However, we were treated to the surprise appearance of a new female referee, Suki ZIP, who is pretty hot in her revealing outfit, even if she seemed somewhat bossy.
-Genki Raiga/Mr. Suplex vs Shoji Tatami/Nobu Kakihara-
The Story: The master/student tag team didn't have a great debut match, losing to the heels Kaneshiro and Kiriyama. There was obivious miscommunication between the two wrestlers which led directly to the loss. Now they face the Kings of Deathmatch, Shoji Tatami and Nobu Kakihara, hoping for a better result.
The Match: Suplex and Raiga started off with the momentum, keeping ahead of their opponents with great teamwork. The masked suplex machine hit Nobu with a wonderful German suplex around the 8 minute mark, but Kakihara just managed to tag his teammate. Late in the match, Raiga was in the ring when Kakihara whipped him into his corner, and distracted the ref. Suki was busy with Kakihara, and paid no attention to Tatami strangling Raiga with the tag rope. Mr. Suplex tried to save his partner by jumping off the apron, running around the ring and attacking Shoji on the floor. Suplex and Tatami continued to brawl at ringside, as Raiga turned the tables on Nobu in the ring. Raiga hit a backdrop, crawled to his corner, and tried in vain to make a tag. As he looked around for his partner for the second week in a row, he walked right in the Inferno Blast of Kakihara and got pinned.
Raiga, breathing hard after his fruitless exertions and with smoke still curling from his singed hair grabbed the mic to address Mr. Suplex, who was standing on the floor at ringside after the winners had returned to the locker room.

Genki Raiga: *huff* Suplex! What the hell? *huff* What is the matter with you these last couple of weeks? *huff* First you leave me hanging against Kaneshiro, and now I almost get my FACE burned off because of you! Do you think just because you won a couple of big matches you're a huge star now? You think you're too important to pay attention to what goes on in a tag match? Think again, grasshopper.
*pacing back and forth in the ring, talking down on Mr. Suplex at ringside* You've spent the last month telling anyone who would listen that you're the man, that you deserve a title shot. Well I don't think you're ready, yet, Mr. Suplex. Believe me, I wish you were, but I don't think you've got what it takes. You don't have your head in the game! Get some damn focus, kid, and maybe you'll actually accomplish something in this sport! Trust me, I'm the one guy you can't afford to let down. *drops mic and returns to the locker room, Mr. Suplex looks humbled*
The Result: Shoji Tatami/Nobu Kakihara (pin) - Inferno Blast at 16.27
Bobstar's Thoughts: The Kings of Deathmatch stole this one! Genki Raiga and Mr. Suplex were on fire to start this match, but the tactics of the heels got the best of them this time. Even more shocking were Raiga's statements after the match, I wonder if this team will be able to continue? Mr. Suplex has been sliding after his big wins last month.
-Kenzo Kobayashi vs Crusher Kodo-
The Story: At the last show, these mens respective partners, Kenji Sawada and Wataru Nakajima, fought each other in a match. Wataru dominated that one, but Kenji cheated and stole the victory. Can Crusher Kodo avenge his partner or will he be a victim of another cheap shot?
The Match: Crusher Kodo clearly wanted some revenge for his partner, because he began this match with a ton of aggression. The veteran introduced Kenzo Kobayshi to all four corners of the ring and hit some great Lariats, inlcuding one that nearly tore Kenzo's head off. Kenzo showed his resiliency, though, kicking out at 2.9. Kobayashi jammed a thumb into Crusher's eye, and slipped out of the ring to grab a chair while Kodo recovered. Kodo turned just in time to see Kobayashi rushing him with the chair and reacted swiftly. He nailed a running lariat, knocking both Kenzo and the chair to the mat. Crusher Kodo picked Kobayashi from the canvas and hit his Cranium Crusher right on the chair for the 3 count!
The Result: Crusher Kodo (pin) - Cranium Crusher at 13.36
BobStar's Thoughts: The finish of this match was totally satisfying and one of the nicest spots tonight! I spoke with an older wrestling fan at the show, who had seen most of the thirty years of Kodo's career, and he said he was flabbergasted with Crusher's performance. He claimed that Kodo is actually in better shape now than when he won the World Title and I have to concur with him!
-Gorobei/Akira Shinjo vs Jumbo Jinzei/Kintaro-
The Story: Akira Shinjo lost last show, when the surprising Jumbo Jinzei beat him quite convincingly. Jumbo and Gorobei are both in top form the last few weeks, so it will be interesting to see how they match up against each other. This match also marks the return of Kintaro, who was out due to injury since the DOJO Showcase.
The Match: The match started a little slowly, as the fighters were searching out their opponents weaknesses. The match was heating up when Akira Shinjo landed a flurry of knees on Kintaro, who was showing some ring rust after his long lay off. Kintaro made the tag and Jinzei stepped in the ring, and Shinjo responded by making the tag as well. Gorobei pleased the crowd when he took the initiative and speared Jumbo, but Jinzei quickly got back to his feet. Jumbo stole the momentum from the champ with a nice bodyslam. He followed up with a big Jumbo Splash, and as Gorobei powered out of the pin, Suki signalled for the bell! Gorobei and Akira tried to talk to the referee, but she just waved them away. Jumbo and Kintaro were celebrating in the ring as the crowd was stunned with disbelief.
The Result: Jumbo Jinzei/Kintaro (pin) - Jumbo Splash at 20.10
BobStar's Thoughts: I'd have to see the tape, but I really think I only counted two seconds and not three. I wasn't alone in thinking it was a fast count, and the fans were very upset to see their champion defeated in this way. Some girls behind me even cried. I can't believe Jumbo stole this victory! The match itself was pretty good: Akira Shinjo made up for his poor performance last time, Gorobei looked powerful, Kintaro did much of the dirty work for his partner and Jumbo kept up with the champion. But what a shock at the end! Many of the fans were grumbling with anger as they left the arena tonight.

TheDenizen's Thoughts: A superb show from ZIP JAPAN, the fans were into the action all night, and there were some interesting developments in the World Title picture. Gorobei's loss is a massive shock, I don't really know what to think about this new referee, the tension between Genki Raiga and Mr. Suplex is bubbling, and the Kodo/Nakajima tag team are back on track. Darkness HAGE was just freakin' scary, I hope Justin Starr has a plan to deal with this challenger. I'm also getting pretty damn sick of being jumped by Satoshi Iguchi. That guy is a real thorn in my side, I'm gonna have to do something drastic. Just beating him in a match doesn't seem to be enough.
HUGE thanks to BobStar for providing such a great write up of the show! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did!
I'll be back with details on the next card soon...