It certainly was an exciting night of action, filled with the types of performances that define careers. Let's break the card down match by match.
Satoshi Iguchi vs TheDenizen - This is exactly the type of performance I was hoping TheDenizen could bring to the table. Against a seasoned veteran, and under extreme pressure, TheDenizen's ability to fight through pain was phenomenal to witness. Iguchi absolutely battered his neck in there, but TheDenizen would not be denied. He'll be moving on to bigger and better things in the future.
Daisuke Shimura vs Mad Bomber vs Taro Yamamoto vs Kazuhiro Tanabe - Excellent elimination match featuring four of the toughest men in the Heavyweight Division. Some unexpected partnerships were forged during the battle, and there were plenty of double team manouvers on display. Yamamoto looked strong making the Mad Bomber tap to the STF, but he was powerless when his rival Shmura locked in the Sasori-gatame. Shimura rode the momentum of that elimination to finish off Tanabe for a wonderful victory.
Mr. Suplex vs Genki Raiga - Raiga claimed in the buildup to this match that Mr. Suplex wasn't ready for a shot at the ZIP JAPAN Title, and in this match, the crafty veteran proved it. Genki Raiga should not be underestimated, Gorobei could be in for his toughest title defense yet as Raiga becomes #1 contender.
Taiji Kuroda/Toshio Matsumura vs Asano Kaneshiro/Takeshi Kiriyama - The new tag team from FCW made a strong debut here, looking very capable against Kaneshiro and Kiriyama in an exciting 60 minute time limit draw. I we're just seeing the beginnings of things between these teams, and this match provided a great example of what they can all do in the ring.
ZIP JAPAN Junior Championship match
Darkness HAGE vs Justin Starr - Justin Starr continues his rise as Junior Champion, and HAGE's turn to Darkness has left him empty handed. This was a great title matach that was a real see-saw battle. I look forward to determining the next contender to face Starr, and also to seeing HAGE's reaction to his loss.
ZIP JAPAN Tag Team Championship match
Wataru Nakajima/Crusher Kodo vs Kenji Sawda/Kenzo Kobayashi - What a superb team Nakajima and Kodo make! Kodo, a former multi time ZIP JAPAN Champion, and Nakajima, capturing his first gold in ZIP JAPAN in this match, have a combined age of nearly 100 years, but you're not likely to encounter two tougher men. Kodo was my long term enemy during my career, but I am very pleased to see him and Nakajima as the new Tag Team Champions.
Mixed Tag match
White Trash/Reiko ZIP vs Jiro Kaneko/Suki ZIP - I honestly don't understand what Reiko sees in White Trash. This kid is a loser: he hasn't won a match in months, and the fans don't really like him and his attitude. Regardless, she seems intent to stick by him, and it cost her the victory in this match. Congratulations to my daughter Suki on her team's win.
ZIP JAPAN Heavyweight Championship match
Jumbo Jinzei vs Gorobei - What can one say about this encounter? Jumbo was a force of nature, hurling his bulk around the ring and crashing into the Champion repeatedly. I thought we had finally seen the end of Gorobei's title run, but he was not to be denied. Like so many times before, Gorobei reached into his inner reserve of fighting spirit and forged an incredible comeback for the victory against the man mountain Jinzei. Next up for Gorobei will be Genki Raiga, a completely different type of opponent. A date for this epic title match will be announced in the coming weeks.
Again, I extend my thanks to Wonderland and his DOJO staff for use of their wrestling and broadcasting facilities, I hope we can continue to present more exciting ZIP JAPAN shows from your venue in the future.
The next ZIP JAPAN Event however, will be a special Interpromotional showcase, featuring wrestlers from all over the world competing against ZIP JAPAN's finest! Stay tuned in the coming days, I will be announcing the card shortly!
Until next time, this is King ZIP, saying Sayonara!
Alright, King ZIP, thanks for giving your feedback on the DOJO event, and I appreciate your comments about my match specifically. I hope I can continue to improve against my next opponent, and look forward to the Interpromotional card!
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