An incredible show at Kobe Green Arena, it was packed to capactity with about 6,500 fans for ZIP JAPAN Pro Wrestling. Major events transpired last night. Let's not waste any time and get right to the action.
-White Trash vs Riot Gear-The Story: White Trash is being punished by King ZIP, who is merely taking out his frustration on his daughter's boyfriend. This is his second match against
much larger opposition, he was squashed by Jumbo Jinzei at the last show. Riot Gear is a monstrous brawler who looks like he eats guys like White Trash for breakfast.
Before the match, at the opening of the show, Reiko ZIP is shown hanging around backstage, talking to a member of the crew.

White Trash: *walking up* Hey, babes! What's shakin'? *he smacks Reiko on her behind*

Reiko ZIP: *she brightens up and smiles at him* Hi, Whitey, how are you feeling?
White Trash: *loudly* Couple sore ribs, nothing major, I can go tonight. *he leans in and whispers to Reiko as the crew member wanders away* Listen, babes! You
gotta get me outta this match tonight! Can't you talk to your dad or something? Geez, tell him to lighten up! I can still barely
move after that last match!
Reiko ZIP: *sadly* He won't even talk to me. I've been trying to get him to see me all week! I've never seen him so mad. He's
really bitter about losing to that Hoss guy.
White Trash: Well, that's frickin' sad and all, but I didn't even
do anything! Why does he haveta pick on me?
Reiko ZIP: Don't worry, I'm sure it'll pass soon enough. You just need to be careful out there!
White Trash: It'll
pass?! Well, hey sweets, how 'bout you just give me the ol' "fast count" when I get that big oaf pinned out there? Save my neck and yourself some tears, whaddaya say? *he pokes her in the ribs playfully* What's the point in dating the ref if I can't get some favors now and again, huh?
Reiko ZIP: *uncomfortable* Come on, Whitey, don't put me in that spot. I have to do my job, fair and square. I don't want you to get hurt, but I'm not going to cheat for you...
White Trash: All right, babes, forget I said it. *he smiles* I'm sorry. I'll just have to try and win on my own out there...*he pulls Reiko close and hugs her, and he frowns behind her back*...I guess.
Reiko ZIP: *Smiling happily behind Trash's back* Great! Good luck. *Reiko heads to the ring for the first match while White Trash stands there fuming and wincing*
The Match: White Trash came to the ring walking pretty gingerly, obviously still not at 100% after the last show. The match began much like White Trash's encounter with Jumbo Jinzei - Trash tried to avoid getting in the ring, he avoided locking up and spent a couple of minutes basically trying to get away. Eventually Riot Gear cornered him and began pummeling him. There was no wrestling, just a closed fist beatdown on White Trash, who was quickly bloodied. Reiko tried several times to pull Riot Gear away for a break, but he just brushed her off. Reiko had no choice but to call for the DQ, as the boos rained down on the ring. Tears flowed down poor Reiko's cheeks as she harmlessly beat her fists on Riot Gear's back, but Riot Gear continued Trash's beating. Eventually security showed up and Riot Gear relented. Puffy faced and dazed, White Trash was helped back to the locker room by a tearful Reiko.
Result: White Trash (DQ) - 3:25TheDenizen's Thoughts: Man, this was rough. Trash never really had a chance to do anything. Hard to believe the beating that White Trash took at the last show could be topped, but this came close. Reiko was really upset too, and didn't come back out for the next match. I'm not sure what King ZIP is trying to prove any more, but White Trash is in a bad way.
-Great HAGE vs ECKO-The Story: Great HAGE is the #1 Contender to the ZIP JAPAN Junior Title, a veteran fan favourite. ECKO is a dangerous young junior looking to cause an upset against the heavily favoured HAGE. There is history between them, as ECKO once defeated HAGE for the ZIP JAPAN Junior Title in the past. After the ring introductions, the Junior Champ himself, Justin Starr, is announced as the special guest referee for the match! Starr gets a huge reaction as he comes to the ring.
The Match: This match was fought at a blistering pace, both juniors going to their big artillery almost right away here. ECKO completely no-sold an FFF from HAGE in the early stages, he jumped right up and nailed HAGE with a Peace Crusher. ECKO picked Great HAGE up for a Jumping Tombstone, but HAGE reversed it into a Tombstone of his own, and followed up with a Sharpshooter, but ECKO made it to the ropes! The finish came when HAGE ducked a lariat in the middle of the ring, spun ECKO around and hit his HAGE Bomb for the 3 count.
Result: Great HAGE (pin) - Spinning HAGE Bomb at 10:45
TheDenizen's Thoughts: Great action from both wrestlers in this match, but things just seem to be clicking for Great HAGE right now, ECKO just couldn't stand up to his irresistible momentum. Justin Starr called the match right down the middle, and raised HAGE's hand in victory afterwards to the joy of the crowd.
-Daisuke Shimura/Kazuhiro Tanabe vs Taro Yamamoto/Mad Bomber-
The Story: Shimura and Yamamoto have been at war for over a month, trading victories in a couple of epic one on one encounters. King ZIP has booked this tag match to continue the feud as well as add some more talent to the card. Reiko ZIP came back out at the start of this match, and refereed the rest of the show.
The Match: Despite never having worked together before, Shimura and Tanabe showed decent chemisty as a team, making quick tags early in this match and keeping Mad Bomber in their corner. The action eventually spilled to outside of the ring where Mad Bomber powerbombed Daisuke across the edge of the railing! Shimura crumbled on the outside of the ring, gasping for air and leaving Tanabe to essentially go it alone. Tanabe started pouring it on, nailing Mad Bomber with a Chichibu Cement. Seeing his rival out of the match, Yamamoto seemed to lose interest, and didn't bother trying to make the save when Tanabe Powerbombed the Bomber for the pinfall. Taro even gave Shimura a cheap shot to the ribs as he exited back to the locker room.
Result: Daisuke Shimura/Kazuhiro Tanabe (pin) - Folding Powerbomb at 20:39TheDenizen's Thoughts: Typical cowardly nonsense from Yamamoto, leaving his partner hanging in the ring. Not much got resolved between Shimura and Yamamoto in this match, either, and Shimura now seems to have an issue with Mad Bomber as well. Shimura says he's ok, but based on the way he was moving, I'd say he cracked a rib or two on that railing. Although this marks the second recent occasion when the Mad Bomber had been pinned by a powerbomb: perhaps the other Heavyweights have finally gotten his number?
-Kenji Sawada vs Wataru Nakajima-The Story: Sawada is one half of the ZIP JAPAN tag champs, a clever and experienced heel who knows how to maniupulate his opponents. Nakajima is an older veteran in the hunt for gold, who's had recent tag success with his partner Crusher Kodo. Tonight he has his chance to show King ZIP that he has what it takes to defeat a champion, and that his team deserves a title shot.
The Match: Nakajima was clearly fired up for this match, even as he came through the curtain he was fizzing with energy. He began by lighting up Sawada with rapid fire chops and slaps, sending the tag champ reeling around the ring. Before long, Sawada was forced to bail to the outside to try and slow the pace of the match. This worked to his advantage for a while, but before long Nakajima was piling the pressure on again with a series of crushing lariats. Sawada suddenly pulled a foreign obect (it looked like a metal spike of some kind) from his trunks, brandishing it in plain view. Reiko grabbed it from him and as she turned away to toss it outside the ring, Kenji kicked Nakajima in the groin and schoolboyed him. Nakajima couldn't kick out in time as Reiko turned back around and counted the pinfall.
Result: Kenji Sawada (pin) - School Boy at 15:27
TheDenizen's Thoughts: What a rip off! Nakajima was completely in control of this match, and Reiko got duped by Sawada's litle act. I guess you can't really blame Reiko, but it seems odd that she has to referee every match on the card alone - maybe she was preoccupied with what happened to White Trash earlier. Anyways, I really hope this doesn't end Wataru Nakajima and Crusher Kodo's chances at getting a Tag title shot.
-Genki Raiga/Mr. Suplex vs Asano Kaneshiro/Takeshi Kiriyama-The Story: Genki Raiga is the veteran grappler who originally trained Mr. Suplex for the ZIP JAPAN ring. The former master and student are teaming up for the first time against the experienced heel combo of Kaneshiro and Kiriyama.
The Match: Raiga and Mr. Suplex dominated this match early, both men using several big throws right away, including a double suplex on Kiriyama to the outside of the ring! As the match progressed, Kiriyama and Kaneshiro managed to isolate Raiga in the ring, and were subjecting him to some brutal double team moves. Mr. Suplex was stuck on the apron, and the Reiko just pushed him back out when he tried to jump in to save his partner. Late in the match, Mr. Suplex finally snapped and ran around the outside of the ring to the opposite corner and attacked Kiriyama on the floor. At that moment in the ring, Genki Raiga hit a desperation Exploder Suplex out of nowhere on Kaneshiro, and dove to his corner to make the tag. Raiga could only look around in dismay as his tag partner was nowhere to be found. Kaneshiro surprised Raiga with a Chickenwing Suplex from behind and scored the 3 count, all while Mr. Suplex was battling Kiriyama, oblivious to the in ring action. The heels left, with Kaneshiro boasting loudly, and Mr. Suplex and Raiga exchanged a few heated words in the ring. Raiga looked pretty angry and Mr. Suplex didn't really seem apologetic, but it was over quickly, and the two men shook hands and embraced before leaving.
Result: Asano Kaneshiro/Takeshi Kiriyama (pin) - Chickenwing Suplex -> Pin at 16:55TheDenizen's Thoughts: Too bad the master/student tag team didn't work out like Raiga and Mr. Suplex would've hoped, it kinda takes a bit of steam out of Mr. Suplex's recent run of results. Still, I guess there's no shame in losing to a more experienced team, and it was good to see cooler heads prevail at the end between Mr. Suplex and Raiga.
-Jumbo Jinzei vs Akira Shinjo-
The Story: Jinzei is coming off a total squash victory over White Trash at the last show, a match that didn't really test his abilities. Shinjo is a former World Champ with an impressive pedigree, trying to claw his way back to the top of the mountain.
The Match: The match started with Shinjo in control, he was avoiding Jinzei's lumbering form and peppering his legs and ribs with snap kicks. Akira landed one kick to Jinzei's face that seemed to light a fire of rage under Jumbo. He started pounding on Shinjo, landing hammer blows and big slams, building up some momentum and whipping him into the turnbuckles. Jumbo followed in with a huge splash in the corner, and Shinjo staggered forward and collapsed to the mat. Jumbo ran in slow motion across the ring, bounced off the ropes and crushed Shinjo with a Running Jumbo Splash for a shocking pinfall.
Result: Jumbo Jinzei (pin) - Jumbo Splash at 9:48TheDenizen's Thoughts: Wow, I certainly didn't see that coming! Jumbo is a tough competitior, but to run roughshod over a former Champ like he did is really unexpected. There were lots of gasps of surprise in the crowd at the end of this encounter. It seems like Jinzei has been invigorated recently, while Shinjo is just spinning his wheels in the middle of the card.
-TheDenizen/Justin Starr vs Satoshi Iguchi/Yoji Shinichi-The Story: TheDenizen is a promising rookie who is off to a bright start in the promotion. He scored a pinfall victory over Shinichi at the last show, and this week he is teaming up with the current ZIP JAPAN Junior Champ, Justin Starr. Iguchi and Shinichi are a couple of tough veteran heels who roughed up TheDenizen in the ring last time out, but ultimately could not get the job done. They are looking to remedy that situation by serving up TheDenizen his first defeat in ZIP JAPAN.
The Match: This was a good tag match, but forgive me if I mostly skip over it, since the real story is what happened after. The finish of the match came when Justin Starr forced Yoji Shinichi to tap out to the Spinning Olympic Hold. Right at that moment, TheDenizen was outside the ring battling with Iguchi, and Iguchi hit a huge Diamond Cutter that knocked TheDenizen out cold! Iguchi jumped back in the ring after the bell and attacked Justin Starr from behind as Reiko was raising his hand. TheDenizen was still out as Iguchi and Shinichi began a 2 on 1 beatdown on Justin. The fans went nuts when Great HAGE came running in from the locker room to make the save, and he and Starr joined forces to quickly clean house. With the heels run off, HAGE raised Justin Starr's hand in victory...and then short arm clotheslined him to the ground! The fans were in shock as HAGE stomped away on the groin of the downed champion. They started booing as HAGE picked Starr up and delivered a devastating Spinning HAGE Bomb in the center of the ring. The Denizen was still unconscious outside on the floor, as Great HAGE picked up a house mic to address the fans:

Great HAGE: Listen. *the crowd is booing heavily and HAGE looks at them with disdain* Listen, Justin, do you hear it? *he crouches down and speaks directly to the KOed Champ* You must think you're pretty special, huh? A few months over here, and you're the talk of the town, everyone just
loves Justin Starr! Well I've got news for you, little gaijin. This top spot on the card you're in? That was
mine. These fans who love you so much? They were
mine, too. And now you're holding the ZIP JAPAN Junior belt. Guess what?
Mine. And I'm getting it
back. And it's pretty clear to me that I won't achieve that by doing what I've been doing.
*HAGE stands and addresses the crowd, his voice rising* So be warned! I am through being everyone's favorite clown! I'm going to do whatever it takes to win, regardless of who I have to hurt, or what you fans think about it. There will be no limits for me any more, no boundaries I won't cross. I will have the freedom to inflict pain and suffering upon my opponents with renewed fury and without remorse. I will reach deep, deep down into the depths of my find the
Darkness...that dwells...within HAGE...*drops the mic next to Starr and walks out slowly past a crowd stunned into silence*
Result: TheDenizen/Justin Starr (sub) - Spinning Olympic Hold at 13:20TheDenizen's Thoughts: I had to watch Great HAGE's comments (and the rest of the event, for that matter) on tape afterwards. I was so groggy after taking that Diamond Cutter, I was completely out of it for a while. I'm pissed off at that punk Iguchi for what he did to me and my partner, but I'll address that at another time. How about what HAGE has done? It's just unreal. Great HAGE has been a fan favorite his whole career in ZIP JAPAN, these events have left everyone in shock, including the locker room. No one is really sure what to expect from him at this point. Justin Starr was OK afterwards, but understandably angry about what happened in the ring. I mean, Starr and I did pick up the victory in this match, but it felt pretty hollow to me.
-ZIP JAPAN World Championship match
Gorobei vs Nobu Kakihara-
The Story: Gorobei is the unstoppable babyface champ, who has dominated his opposition for over a year. Kakihara is a wild and sadistic brawler who hasn't wrestled since his brutal Landmine Deathmatch against Shoji Tatami at Wonderland's DOJO. Kakihara is returning to action against direct orders from his doctor, and in light of this Gorobei has insisted upon putting the ZIP JAPAN World Championship on the line out of respect for Kakihara's spirit.
The Match: Gorobei started the match by standing in the middle of the ring, and inviting Nobu to strike him. Kakihara happily obliged, but Gorobei no-sold a series of right hands and retailated with a big backhand chop. This led to an extended exchange of chops from both men, the crowd oohing and aahing as both their chests started showing angry red welts. Gorobei eventually won the battle with a nasty flurry of overhead chops that drove Kakihara to the mat. After that, Gorobei put his foot on the gas and started nailing a succession of big suplexes and finished Kakihara off with a Reverse Tombstone.
Result: Gorobei (pin) - Reverse Tombstone -> Pin at 11:41 TheDenizen's Thoughts: Gorobei's dominance continues in stylish fashion. The champ is unbelievably popular with the crowd, and this victory marks his 16th consecutive title defense. I suppose you have to respect Kakihara for making a decent attempt before he was 100% healthy, but I don't think the outcome of this one was ever really in question.
A great night of in ring action, but that seemed to take a back seat tonight. All the fans were buzzing about the Great HAGE as they were leaving and what his words might mean for Justin Starr and the future of the ZIP JAPAN Junior Division. I'm personally more concerned with the future of Satoshi Iguchi, and how soon I can get back in the ring with that guy. He's cheated and cheapshotted me for the last time, that's for sure, that bitch is getting some payback.
Thanks for reading, the next show will be in a couple of weeks!