Name: Akira Shinjo
Bio: This tough wrestler likes hard kicks and big suplexes. After early success as a tag team wrestler, Shinjo went solo and gradually worked his way up the card, culminating in a ZIP World Championship victory over Mad Bomber a couple of years ago. Some months later, he unfortunately had his biceps torn in tag match by Takeshi Kiriyama, and was forced to vacate the title while he recovered. Upon his return, he promtly challenged new Champion Gorobei to a match, but could not regain the title belt. Since coming back to the ring, Shinjo has relied even more than before on his devastating kicks, but he still takes a special joy in throwing opponents over his head.
Finisher: Dangerous DDT (SheerDrop Brainbuster)
Specials: Dynamic Knee Lifts, Explosion Kick, Roll German Suplex, Dangerous Knee Kick
Name: Crusher Kodo
Bio: This grumpy old grappler began his career over 30 years ago, and he's been stomping the hell out of his opponents ever since. Kodo is a huge fan favourite in ZIP JAPAN, despite his relatively simple moveset that hasn't really changed over his whole career, and consists of the simplest lariats and slams. The only concession Kodo has made to the changing times in wrestling was when he added his now signature finisher, the "Cranium Crusher" during the mid-90's. Kodo sheepishly admitted at the time that with all "the kids" dumping people on their heads, he wanted to get in on the fun. Kodo is a former multi time ZIP JAPAN World Champion, having endured a long rivalry against the mighty King ZIP. Now well past his prime, Kodo is double tough and grumpier than ever, and can still perform at a high level in the ring. He recently captured the ZIP JAPAN Tag Team Titles with Wataru Nakjima.
Finisher: Bull Poseidon (Cranium Crusher)
Specials: Enzui Lariat, Lariat (Run), Lariat (Corner Run), Head Pickup Lariat

Name: Daisuke Shimura
Bio: Shimura is a versatile fan favourite who can strike equally well with his feet, fists, elbows or knees. He likes to use stiff strikes to set up the Sasori-gatame, but if his regular arsenal isn't proving effective, he breaks out the crazy head drops. First arriving in ZIP JAPAN last year, Shimura's highest profile win to date has been over former ZIP World Champion Taro Yamamoto.
Finisher: Scorpion Deathlock (Sasori-gatame)
Specials: Knee Kick to Plain, KENTA Rush, Orange Crush, Steiner Screwdriver
Name: Genki Raiga
Bio: Genki Raiga may have only ever held the ZIP World Championship once in his career, but he will forever be known as the man who ended the 3 1/2 year historic title run of Mr. ZIP. As a young wrestler, Genki was taken under Mr. ZIP's wing and was guided to success at the top of the card. But Raiga turned heel on his mentor and challenged him for the title, ultimately defeating his former master in a legendary match up. After Mr. ZIP's infamous heel turn later on, Raiga gradually became more of a fan favourite as he continued to battle his old rival. Raiga has an aggressive, lungbursting in-ring style, consisting of many suplexes and throws. While he has never recaptured the ultimate prize, Genki Raiga is a fierce competitor who is respected by everyone on the roster.
Finisher: Vert Tiger Suplex (Raiga Suplex)
Specials: Avalanche Front Sup, Reverse Drop, Original Backdrop, Just Face Lock
Name: Gorobei
Bio: Gorobei is a tall and handsome powerhouse who the fans adore. Gorobei spent many years paying his dues and slowly climbing the ranks of the heavyweight division, gradually building his maniacal fanbase with his inspiring displays of fighting spirit. Capable of absorbing a tremendous amount of damage, Gorobei always seems to be able to dig deeper for more reserve strength. After the ZIP World Championship was vacated due to an injury to Akira Shinjo, Gorobei finally completed his quest for gold by winning a 16 man Tournament for the title. He has now held the belt for over a year, defeating all his challengers cleanly, and has stated his intent to beat the record title reign of Mr. ZIP.
Finisher: Spin Brainbuster (The Spin Cycle)
Specials: Spear, Hurricane Slam, Reverse Tombstone, Urunage

Name: Jimmy Nails
Bio: This young Canadian grappler is all about tradition. Arriving in ZIP JAPAN two years ago, Jimmy has steadily gained fans with his old school toughness and style. A disciple of the Hart family, Jimmy Nails is a strong proponent of legwork(TM), and pays tribute to many greats of the past with his Figure 4 finishing hold. Jimmy pairs with Mickey Grinds as the obligatory gaijin tag team.
Finisher: Figure 4 Leg Lock
Specials: Reverse Figure 4, Knee Crusher, Joint Kick, Fisherman's Suplex
Name: Johnny Jobber
Bio: Channeling the awesome force of Al Snow, Johnny has fully embraced the lifestyle philosophy of: "Pin me, pay me." This Japanese-American wrestler is a decent ring technician, but he just doesn't care about getting a victory. Ever. He's happy to look at the lights and collect his pay envelope. Rumours persist that Johnny is the illegitimate son of King ZIP and Mae Young, but these are entirely unfounded.
Finisher: None
Specials: None
Name: Kazuhiro Tanabe
Bio: This tall and powerful grappler is known for being somewhat of a loner, avoiding press, fans and other wrestlers alike. But, Tanabe is reportedly close friends with King ZIP, so his anti-social behaviour is grudgingly accepted by the other members of the roster. Tanabe is all business in the ring, using his size to his advantage with a variety of unique power moves, and a significant portion of the crowd has recently gotten behind him. He was unsuccessful in his recent World Title match, but Tanabe will bounce back quickly.
Finisher: Samurai Bomb (Folding Powerbomb)
Specials: I am Akira, Chichibu Cement, Swan Dive Dropkick, Diving Roll Leg Drop
Name: Mickey Grinds
Bio: Mickey is a former pro skater from Venice Beach, California. After one too many bad bails left Mickey with a pair of bum knees, he had to hang up the skateboard for good. Bored with just sitting around the house playing videogames, he turned his attention to his other passion in life, pro wrestling. It may not be any easier on his knees, but Mickey's talent as a grappler is much greater than his ability as a skater ever was. A man who sends his opponents off to sleepy dreamland with a smile on his face, Mickey Grinds teams with Jimmy Nails.
Finisher: Buffalo Sleeper (Darkslide Choke)
Specials: Emerald Flowsion M, Angle German Suplex, Sheer Drop Rev DDT, Reverse STF
Name: Mr. Suplex
Bio: The true identity of Mr. Suplex has yet to be revealed, but it's known that he was trained for the ring by Genki Raiga, and this training shows. Hidden beneath his white mask, he is a tireless human suplex machine, effortlessly tossing opponents from one side of the ring to the other. Mr. Suplex has yet to capture any gold in his career, but with the fans constantly rallying behind his spectacular offense, World Championships are sure to follow.
Finisher: Throwing Ger Suplex (Release German)
Specials: Evil Windmill Hold, Alek's Lift, Tiger Suplex '85, Top Rope German Suplex
Name: Taiji Kuroda

Bio: One of the "FCW Four", Kuroda was recently acquired in a talent raid from the rival promotion. This imposing grappler has a strong amateur pedigree, having won a National Championship at the College level. After transitioning to pro wrestling, Kuroda became well known (and feared) for his focused attacks on his opponents knee joints, which he uses to set up his signature Escargot hold. His great strength lends a variety to his arsenal, and he enjoys slamming opponents to the mat and diving on them from the top rope. Taiji Kuroda has been tag partners with Toshio Matsumura for a few years.
Finisher: Large Rolling DDT (Hurricane DDT)
Specials: Escargot, Knee Stamp (Knee), Super Dive Headbutt, R Edge
Name: Toshio Matsumura

Bio: Another wrestler who came over from FCW, Matsumura is a stocky sparkplug of energy with a big gap-tooth grin. He's known as a good natured prankster and joker outside the ring, but during a match he loves to brawl. Toshio is notorious for throwing lots of stiff punches in any given match, but he can also wrestle, and he knows how to use his small frame for maximum leverage to toss his opponents around the ring. Matsumura forms a team with Taiji Kuroda, and they are former FCW Tag Team Champs.
Finisher: Hawaiian Smasher (Hurricane Cutter)
Specials: Side Roll Body Press, Fujiyama Driver, Sheer-Drop Backdrop, Flying Black Panther
Name: Wataru Nakajima
Bio: Nakajima competed as a sumo in his youth, but made the transition to pro wrestling in his late 20's. He has kicked around from promotion to promotion his whole career, having the occasional great match, but never really getting much of a push. Despite his skill at grappling and throwing his opponents, he always managed to remain just on the fringes of huge success, without ever achieving it. Now in his late 40's, Nakajima is a very capable in ring veteran, and still believes he can become World Champion. In winning the Tag Titles with Crusher Kodo, he is taking steps in the right direction.
Finisher: Leg Lock Backdrop Hold (Leg Clutch Backdrop)
Specials: Tsuppari, D-Geist, Head Pickup Lariat, Avalanche Waterwheel

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