Name: Darkness HAGE

Overall Score: 151
Bio: This dark alter ego of Great HAGE recently surfaced as a result of events involving Justin Starr and the ZIP JAPAN Junior Championship. Leaving his fans in shock, HAGE has become violent and vicious in the ring, and his new Finishing move is devastating. The ZIP JAPAN Junior Division is on alert.
Finisher: X-Arm Fire Powerbomb (Cross Arm HAGE Bomb)
Specials: FFF, Sharpshooter, Cross Arm Suplex, Avalanche Fisherman
Name: ECKO
Bio: This quick and dangerous masked junior is largely a mystery. He appeared in ZIP JAPAN last year out of nowhere, stunning fans by interfering in a ZIP Junior Championship match between The Great HAGE and Satoshi Iguchi, putting Iguchi on the shelf for months with his unique STF hold. ECKO took Iguchi's spot in the feud, and won the title from HAGE by dumping him on his head from the top rope. He has since lost the belt, but ECKO is still a dangerous man who has what it takes in the ring.
Finisher: Top Rope Tombstone
Specials: Jumping Tombstone, Dragonrana, Peace Crusher, Cross Style STF
Name: Jiro Kaneko

Overall Score: 138
Bio: Though his ring attire and mannerisms can seem somewhat feminine, Kaneko actually considers himself something of a ladies man. As laughable as that may seem, he is undoubtedly a very tough competitor in the ring. In fact, he only just meets the weight requirement for the Junior Division, and wrestles more of a heavyweight style than a junior style. Fond of using slams and power attacks, Kaneko can throw off the rythym of even the most experienced junior stars. His Pinky Hammer finisher is punishing, and usually ends a match instantly. Kaneko was also part of the "FCW Four" that arrived recently in ZIP JAPAN.
Finisher: Burning Hammer (Pinky Hammer)
Specials: Burning Hammer (corner), Minoru Cutter, JO Cyclone Suplex, King Kong Knee Drop
Name: Satoshi Iguchi
Bio: Iguchi is sadistic and violent punk who gets off on snapping necks. His wide assortment of cutters and crushers have taken many victims over the course of his career. Iguchi is so hated by the fans, that they cheered his brutal injury at the hands of ECKO last year, pelting him with garbage as he was removed from the ring on a stretcher. Now back in fighting form among the ranks of ZIP JAPAN, Iguchi is out for revenge...on everyone.
Finisher: Avalanche Cutter (Flying Ace Crusher)
Specials: Mex Peace Crusher, Diamond Cutter, Side Roll Stunner, Rolling Neckbreaker
Name: Super Scorpio
Bio: This rough and mysterious masked wrestler has never given an interview, preferring to let his feet do his talking for him. The combination of deadly speed and accuracy makes Super Scorpio's striking deceptively powerful. A former ZIP Junior Champion, he won an 8 man tournament on his debut to win the #1 contendership, and ultimately defeated Captain Insano Jr. to win the belt. Despite recently coming off a high profile loss to Minoru Hoshino, Super Scorpio has shown no signs of slowing down, and continues to tear ruthlessly into his opponents.
Finisher: Scorpio Rising
Specials: Rapid Face Crusher, Twist Diamond Cutter, Shining High Kick, Moonsault Foot Stamp
Name: Tetsuo Kinoshita
Bio: Kinoshita is a whirling maelstrom of feet and fury in the ring, always veiled behind his black demon mask. He usually likes to use a variety of spinning kicks to leave his opponents stunned and prone, before finishing them off with his spectacular Fire Star Splash. This former ZIP JAPAN Junior Champion can be vicious.
Finisher: Fire Star Splash
Specials: Boomerang Kneel Kick, Solebutt Roll Rush, Low Ki Crusher, Flying Tornado DDT
Name: White Trash

Bio: No one is quite sure how this Yardtard from an American trailer park managed to get a contract with ZIP JAPAN, but it's rumoured he has compromising photos involving King ZIP, a wood chipper and a baby panda. He can perform lots of acrobatic moves, and he's pretty proud of himself, but White Trash is not a very good mat wrestler. Hey, someone's gotta jerk the curtain.
Finisher: Cancun Tornado (Flight Risk)
Specials: Swan Dive Plancha, Moonsault Attack, Canadian Destroyer, Shiranui
Name: Yoji Shinichi
Bio: Shinichi is the oldest member of the junior division, a former 3 time ZIP Junior Champion, and past holder of several other titles in different promotions. A stiff and agressive technician his whole career, Shinichi might be slowing down a step now, but his lengthy feud with Great HAGE is the stuff of legend. He may not see gold again in his career, but he is still a dangerous opponent who will kick your teeth down your throat if given the opportunity.
Finisher: Michinoku Driver II
Specials: Michinoku Driver, Moonsault Press, Superkick, Corner Superkick
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