ZIP JAPAN does not feature a Women's Division, but that's not to say that women do not play a very important role! All of ZIP JAPAN's Referees are King ZIP's daughters, each one more lovely than the last. They all have their own way of exercising their authority, but they can each keep control of things in the squared circle.
Although the ZIP sisters generally prefer to stay out of the way of the action, they were all brought up in close contact with the wrestling world, and each one is fully capable as a worker in the ring. The current ZIP JAPAN save includes both Referee and Wrestler edits for all three ladies.
Name: Reiko ZIP

Bio: Reiko is King ZIP's eldest daughter, and until recently she acted as the referee in all ZIP JAPAN matches. She is beautiful, but also very tough, and is not afraid to stand up to anyone who transgresses the rules in her ring. Strict but fair, Reiko is also known to be involved romantically with White Trash, though her father disapproves. As a wrestler, Reiko likes to use her quick hands and elbows to strike, as well as fly from the turnbuckles with grace.
Finisher: Final Cut (Tornado Elbow)
Specials: Flying Rolling Pin, Final Rolling Elbow, Kinniku Buster, Top Rope Huracanrana
Name: Suki ZIP

Bio: Suki is the youngest of King ZIP's daughters, and the most impetuous. Barely 18, she was brought into ZIP JAPAN as a referee recently to fill a gap left by Reiko during an event. Now a full time ref, Suki is pretty casual, letting rule breakers get away with things for as long as possible. She thinks it's all good fun. As a wrestler, Suki is the most like her father of the three girls, relying on suplexes and rapid kicks, but she can take to the air almost as well as Reiko. Also like King ZIP, Suki is not above breaking the rules to win a match.
Finisher: IR (Suki-Plex)
Specials: Jump Knee Kick Rush, Pendulum Backbreaker, Crook Head Scissors, Rope Trailing
Name: Tomi ZIP

Bio: Tomi is the middle daughter, and has a bubbly and outgoing personality. Until recently, she worked as a hostess at the infamous BunnyKat Gentlemen's Club in Tokyo, where she got her *ahem* distinctive ring attire. King ZIP realized the importance of not overworking his referees, so decided to get all three of his daughters working for him in ZIP JAPAN and brought in Tomi shortly after Suki's debut. Tomi is a more fair referee than Suki, but she sometimes gets distracted flirting with the wrestlers. When she has to fight, Tomi is much more comfortable as a stand-up striker, preferring to keep her attack grounded unlike her highflying sisters. She is pretty well rounded, and knows a variety of basic wrestling holds, but she also likes to have fun in the ring. Tomi loves being the center of attention, and prefers to wrestle men.
Finisher: Koji Rush (Tomi Flurry)
Specials: British Fall, Lip Lock, PK, Bronco Buster
Note: Tomi's gender is set to "Male?", but only so that her Lip Lock move will result in her kissing boys, instead of other girls. She's all woman.
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