Name: Asano Kaneshiro

Bio: This huge barrel chested man is a tough talking bully who loves pushing around and intimidating his smaller opponents. Kaneshiro has remarkably high stamina for big man and can keep up a quick pace in the ring. Fond of verbally abusing rivals with his booming voice before a match, Kaneshiro relies on high impact slams and powerbombs to get the job done between the ropes. He forms a tag team with Takeski Kiriyama.
Finisher: Original Powerbomb (Ganso Bomb)
Specials: Turnbuckle Bomb, Oklahoma Stampede, Chickenwing Suplex, Turn Belly to Belly
Name: Donnie Doogan

Bio: This jacked up freak from Muscle Beach, USA is ridiculously vain and pompous, always concerned with the state of his hair and the amount of oil on his tanned pecs. He's so dumb, he thinks the crowd adores him, oblivious to the boos raining down on him as he plays to the fans, who view him as a Narcissistic boob. But Doogan is a monster in the ring, aggressive and powerful, capable of putting away his opponents with any number of crushing blows. He's also fairly well rounded, with some experience in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Finisher: Jackhammer (Doogan Hammer II)
Specials: Doogan Hammer, Striking Liftup Slam, Russian Hook Rush, Big-Swing Choke Slam (corner)
Name: Jumbo Jinzei
Bio: Jumbo Jinzei is a giant, ugly beast of a man. The only thing he loves more than eating is flattening his opponents with his belly. Jinzei is a huge slob, but can be surprisingly agile for a big man, and has even been known to fly from the top rope on rare occasions. He tends to gas out pretty quickly, but he can be devastating in short bursts. If Jinzei builds up a head of steam, get out of the way!
Finisher: Running Muscle Bomb Press (Jumbo Splash)
Specials: Mud Splash, 53 Years Old, Hip Drop, Corner Reverse Splash
Name: Kenji Sawada
Bio: This crafty heel and veteran tag team specialist has been making a living by outsmarting people and then spiking them on their heads for a long time. He has spent most of his career in the tag ranks, having had several long title runs with different partners through the years. His current partner is his young protege, Kenzo Kobayashi, and they recently lost the ZIP JAPAN Tag Team Titles.
Finisher: Karl Pile Driver (Evil Clutch Driver)
Specials: John Spike, Diving Body Attack, Towerhacker Bomb, Diamond Dust
Name: Kenzo Kobayashi
Bio: Kobayashi is a tough and arrogant young heel who has deceptive power packed onto his compact frame. He is more than capable of defeating his opponents with his skill alone, but he cannot resist the temptation to break the rules. Not shy about handling another man's genitals (with his fist at high speed), Kobayashi has what it takes to win, in a one on one match up, or with his tag partner, Kenji Sawada.
Finisher: Schwein
Specials: Jean-Qu, Cobra Clutch Suplex, Avalanche Db-Arm Sup, Grand Salsa Auto
Name: King ZIP

Bio: Founder and owner of ZIP JAPAN, he wrestled as Mr. ZIP for years as a beloved babyface champion, before eventually transforming into the painted monster heel, King ZIP! King ZIP and Crusher Kodo engaged in some classic, bloody wars over the ZIP World Championship, before King ZIP finally retired a few years ago due to nagging injuries. A legend of the ring, he still occasionally comes back for a match, and even though he only works as his heel persona King ZIP, the fans all love him.
Finisher: Sumo Driver (ZIP Driver)
Specials: Top Rope Backdrop, Blade Kick, Iron Claw, Torture Rack
Name: Kintaro
Bio: The top heel in ZIP JAPAN, Kintaro is a vicious competitor who can defeat his opponents with either brute strength or his sublime grappling skill. A former ZIP World Champion, Kintaro is never hesitant to assert his dominance over a match. Having been trained by King ZIP during his monster heel heyday, he is also familiar with many shortcuts in the ring. Face Kintaro at your peril.
Finisher: Muscle Buster (Kinnikuman Buster) yes, the really crazy high jumping one :)
Specials: Jump Front High Kick, Angle Choke Slam, Strangle Hold Alpha, Strangle Hold Beta
Name: Mad Bomber
Bio: This heavily muscled monster has made the ZIP JAPAN Heavyweight division his personal hunting ground for the last 4 years. Mad Bomber is a completely insane fiend who delights in smashing his opponents into a stupor before finishing them with one of his many powerbomb variations. Never seen without his head shrouded in his trademark black hood, Mad Bomber is a former ZIP World Champion and a deadly challenge for any wrestler.
Finisher: Running Powerbomb (Mad Rush Powerbomb)
Specials: Triple Powerbomb Whip, Wild Bomb Whip, Fire PowerBomb Whip, Avalanche Jump Bomb
Name: Nobu Kakihara
Bio: Kakihara is one of the last two remnants of XZW, a Hardcore Deathmatch federation that tried to take on ZIP JAPAN head to head two years ago. ZIP wrestlers routed the Deathmatch fed in several high profile interpromotional matches, and XZW crumbled in the aftermath of the defeat. King ZIP handpicked the best two bloody brawlers from XZW and brought them into the fold of ZIP JAPAN. Kakihara has since terrorized the heavyweight division, not by winning titles, but by leaving bloody, burned men in his wake. Occasionally tags with Shoji Tatami.
Finisher: Big Fire (Inferno Blast)
Specials: Choke Sleeper, Bite, DDT, Mammoth Buster
Name: Riot Gear
Bio: The man known only as Riot Gear burst onto the wrestling scene recently, making his presence felt with his fists of stone. Coming to the ring in full helmet, flak vest and jack boots, Riot Gear is a difficult opponent to deal with. He clearly feels he has something to prove, based on his recent run of destroying his opponents with barrages of punches and brutal chokeholds.
Finisher: Triple Powerbomb II (Death Bomb)
Specials: Golden Left, Dynamite Punch Rush, Choke Attack, Corner Headbutt Rush
Name: Shoji Tatami
Bio: The second survivor from ZIP JAPAN's battle with XZW, Tatami is the former King of the Deathmatch, the top champion from the now defunct hardcore promotion. He is now trying to make it as a more conventional wrestler in ZIP JAPAN, but he inevitably falls back on his hardcore tricks when the chips are down. Sometimes teams with Nobu Kakihara.
Finisher: Head Butt Rush
Specials: Force Straight Punch, Weapon Attack, Scythe Attack, Praying Powerbomb
Name: Takeshi Kiriyama
Bio: Intense but silently brooding, Kiriyama makes a strong contrast to his boisterous tag team partner Asano Kaneshiro. Kiriyama is a master of a variety of arm locks, and is known for his intense, angry glare; the only time he has ever been seen with a smile was after he ripped Akira Shinjo's biceps muscle off the bone with his Standing X Arm Hold. Rumoured connections to the Japanese mafia have led wrestling magazine writers to christen his Northern Lights Bomb finisher as the "Yakuza Bomb", but Kiriyama has never acknowledged it. He prefers to let his partner do his talking, kick ass from bell to bell, and leave.
Finisher: Northern Lights Bomb (Yakuza Bomb)
Specials: Shining Triangle, Standing X Arm Hold, Triangle Scissors, Corner Kinnikubuster
Name: Taro Yamamoto
Bio: Yamamoto is a brilliantly skilled technical wrestler, but frankly, his attitude sucks. He'll mostly wrestle straight up with his aggressive style, but if things don't go his way...He cheats, he complains, he whines to King ZIP. Yamamoto is notorious for crying in the ring after a loss. Fans still roll their eyes when they recall Yamamoto's famous 20 minute diatribe about "losing his smirk" and how he got screwed when he lost the ZIP World Championship to Crusher Kodo a few years ago. Despite his generally disagreeable demeanor, Yamamoto is a true ring general and not a man to be taken lightly.
Finisher: Sternness Dust (Stern Perfect)
Specials: Big Body Bomb, Murder Backdrop, STF, Top Rope Urunage
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